Gustav Engelbrektsson

Technical Artist


Museum Configurator

Pallet Configurator

Custom Shader

Cinematic Solar System

About Me

Hello! I'm Gustav Engelbrektsson!

I'm a jolly and happy fella who recently have devoted his time in becoming an Industrial Technical Artist. I've always found joy in either creating tools or solving complicated problems for others which landed me early in life as a mechanic within the technical industry.
So when I learned what a Technical Artist was it only felt like a natural choice since I could help on a wider scale and apply my own experiences in a digital format.

In my free time I engage in some variations of my favorite activities like Reading Books & Watching Series when I need relaxation or play either a board or video game with others since it's offers an social environment and I find enjoyment in solving the puzzle or challenge ahead of me.

A future goal I've set aside for myself is to finally start going through my list of travel destinations. Destinations like Greece, Italy, Germany and The US.
For me it has always been a magical feeling seeing a country for the first time and learn every cultural, historical and mythological thing available.